How To Know If Your Dreams Are God’s Dreams
( Finding His Will in Your Deepest Desires )
I've just finished reading Bro. Bo Sanchez's e-book " How To Know If Your Dreams Are God’s Dreams ". I must say I was struck outright like lightning from the sky, sorry too much exaggeration... :-)
Kidding aside, Bro. Bo's e-book anchored me to add weight to my dreams, to be more super passionate about it. I already knew my deepest dreams, in fact I've written it and everyday I read and pray for it. Reading and digesting his e-book to know your dreams if it's God dreams thus to find God's will in your deepest desire, gives me direction like a compass that leads you to the right path.
By the way to those who don't know Bro. Bo Sanchez and never heard of him, Bro. Bo is a wonderful preacher, writer and entreprenneur here in the Philippines, above all Bro. is a teacher to me through his best selling books I do learned a lot to the extent of influencing my thoughts towards life and money and shaping my goal through God's way. To know more about him visit Bro. Bo Sanchez website
How To Know If Your Dreams Are God’s Dreams book leads you to the discovery of your Soul Dream and how it is differ from Superficial dreams. He said Soul Dreams are simply the dreams connected to the deepest part of our life — our soul, these dreams are fuelled by our passion and completely fullfilled with a Divine touch. Bro.Bo Sanchez stresses that dreams are just a futile dream if not imbued with The Three Powerful Secrets Behind All Successes in Life: Desire, Belief and Action, how these three (3) Powerful Secrets are very crucial to one's achievement of success.
Guys, if word dreams are foreign to you read this book it'll help you unveil your dreams, if you want to tap your core gifts to be the blueprint of your dreams ponder on this book, if you'd like your dreams to be inclined with God's purpose, this book is a must.
I'd like to qoute " The Dream Must Make You Happy in the Deepest Way Possible " from his book How To Know If Your Dreams Are God’s Dreams.
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